Trading calculator

Use our margin, pip value, and swap calculator to estimate these values for all your CFD trades on Deriv MT5, Deriv cTrader, and Deriv X.


Please select a symbol.
Contract size =
Pip size=
Effective Leverage=
Point size=
Please enter the volume in lots.
Please enter the asset price.

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Margin Required


Trade Volume


Pip value


Swap Charge Long


Swap long rate =

Swap Charge Short


Swap short rate =
Swap calculation type:
Three-day swap:
Weekend swaps:

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Trading calculations

Margin calculation


Required Margin = Volume ÷ Effective Leverage*

* Use the denominator of the Effective Leverage ratio, 1 : XXXX.

Volume is calculated based on the following formula:

Forex: Lots x Contract size x BSE/USD*

Other: Lots x Contract size x Execution Price x BSE/USD**

*BSE/USD is the conversion rate from the base currency (BSE), referred to as the "Margin Currency" in MT5, to USD.
**QTE/USD is the conversion rate from the quote currency (QTE), referred to as the "Profit Currency" in MT5, to USD.


You are trading 0.25 lots of EUR/GBP with leverage of 1:1000. The EUR to USD conversion rate is 1.10634.

The margin required is USD 27.66 to open the above position.

Note: These are approximate values only and will differ depending on the leverage that is set for your account and the asset you want to trade.

Pip calculation


Pip value USD: Pip Size* x Lots x Contract Size x QTE/USD*

*QTE/USD is the conversion rate from the quote currency (QTE), referred to as the "Profit Currency" in MT5, to USD.


You are trading 0.25 lots of EUR/GBP, with a GBP to USD conversion rate of 1.31386.

The calculation would be:

This means that for every pip movement of EUR/GBP, your profit or loss (PnL) will change by 3.28 USD.

Note: These values are approximate and may vary based on the leverage set for your account and the specific asset being traded.

Swap calculation (In points)

Formula for swaps in point:

Swap = Lots x Contract size x Point Size* x Swap Rate x QTE/USD**

*Point Size = 10-digits. (digits can be found in the instrument specification table in your trading terminal)

**QTE/USD is the conversion rate from the quote currency (QTE), referred to as the "Profit Currency" in MT5, to USD.


You hold a short position of 0.2 lots of AUD/JPY overnight, that has a point size of 0.001 and a short swap rate of -12.92. The JPY to USD conversion rate is 0.00681.

This means the swap charge is USD 1.76 to keep the position open overnight.

Note: These values are approximate and may vary based on the leverage set for your account and the specific asset being traded.

Swap calculation (In percentage)

Formula for swaps in percentage:

Swap = (Lots x Contract Size x Rollover Price*) x (Swap Rate ÷ 100) ÷ 360 x QTE/USD**

*Rollover Price = The last price of the day before the swap is processed, typically at 20:59 or 21:59 GMT.

**QTE/USD is the conversion rate from the quote currency (QTE), referred to as the "Profit Currency" in MT5, to USD.


You hold a long position of 0.2 lots of France 40 overnight, with a long swap rate of -5.46 and rollover price is 7,654. The EUR to USD conversion rate is 1.10722.

This means the swap charge is USD -0.26 to keep the position open overnight.

Note: These values are approximate and may vary based on the leverage set for your account and the specific asset being traded.


What is a trading calculator?

Deriv’s CFDs trading calculator is a trading tool that can help traders calculate relevant data like margin required, pip value of your trades, and swap charges required to keep positions open overnight. These values can help you make more informed decisions about your trades.

How accurate is the CFD trading calculator?

Our calculator is designed to be as accurate as possible using industry-standard formulas. However, please note that trading involves risk, and results may vary based on your account leverage and the instrument you are trading.

What is a margin calculator?

A margin calculator helps determine the margin required to open and maintain a trade, ensuring you have enough capital in your account before placing a position.

What is a pip calculator?

A pip calculator calculates the value of a pip in monetary terms, helping you estimate potential profit or loss based on trade size.

What is a swap calculator?