Eksklyuziv rivojlangan jadvallarga bepul kirish
Moliya bozorlarida savdo imkoniyatlari va 24/7 Derived indekslar.
Savdogar bo'lish bo'yicha mutaxassis qo'llanmalari
25 yildan ortiq vaqt mobaynida Deriv butun dunyo bo'ylab savdogarlarning ishonchli sherigi hisoblanadi.
Find out how the integration of AI in fintech is revolutionising our 2025 plans, enhancing operational efficiency and fostering innovation.
We’re proud to announce that Deriv’s engineering team has bagged the Silver Award for Engineering Excellence at the 2024 O’Reilly Awards, presented by O'Reilly Media - a company inspiring the future for more than 45 years by sharing the knowledge and teaching the skills people need to change their world.
Join our VP of Engineering, Raunak, as he shares his journey from a senior developer to the VP of a fast-growing team.
Our VP of Engineering, Raunak, shares why Deriv is one of the best fintech companies to work for: an open work culture that empowers an innovative engineering team.