Eksklyuziv rivojlangan jadvallarga bepul kirish
Moliya bozorlarida savdo imkoniyatlari va 24/7 Derived indekslar.
Savdogar bo'lish bo'yicha mutaxassis qo'llanmalari
25 yildan ortiq vaqt mobaynida Deriv butun dunyo bo'ylab savdogarlarning ishonchli sherigi hisoblanadi.
In today’s data-driven world, have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information or frustrated by the lack of a unified, accessible data infrastructure?
Find out how we're using DORA metrics and other DevOps indicators to improve performance and create a culture of data-driven ownership.
Dangling IP address takeovers cause great monetary and reputation loss for companies. Learn how they happen and how to mitigate this risk.
Explore our journey from late-night server maintenance to mastering Kubernetes on AWS, gaining valuable insight into scalability and resilience.
Discover how we enhanced our approach to secret detection and prevention, leading to stronger cybersecurity practices in software development.