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Moliya bozorlarida savdo imkoniyatlari va 24/7 Derived indekslar.
Savdogar bo'lish bo'yicha mutaxassis qo'llanmalari
25 yildan ortiq vaqt mobaynida Deriv butun dunyo bo'ylab savdogarlarning ishonchli sherigi hisoblanadi.
2024 was a massive year of CSR for Deriv, it resulted in 18 impactful projects across its global offices, all embodying the company’s vision for creating meaningful change. These initiatives are centred around three core pillars: supporting communities, empowering women, and protecting the planet.
People are at the centre of everything we do. Discover how our CSR programme in Malta is helping children with cancer.
Deriv saw a great opportunity in the 4L Trophy race, a CSR initiative that goes off the beaten track. Read more about this sponsorship project.
Get to know Kahuna team members Robin, Quentin, Baptistin, and Yvan. Learn what their skills mean for this CSR sponsorship.
Deriv is committed to exploring new ideas and sponsoring meaningful projects. Read how the Kahuna CSR initiative aligns with our values.